Hotel Skanderborghus

Basato su 7 recensioni


Jacob S
107 month ago
The restaurant is poorly designed with bad lighting. The food average and a bit old fashioned. However, the surroundings make up for a what the hotel is lacking and is fantastic.
Jacob S
107 month ago
Upgraded to the best room facing the lake for 300 DK (usually 400dkk) which was much larger and spacious , and besides the bed had a desk and sofa.
Jacob S
107 month ago
Had a "Go Dream" giftcard for one night stay, and got probably the least attractive room facing the parking lot. Very small and a bit depressing with nothing but the bed.
Anders J
127 month ago
Wifi password: skanderborghus
Jeanette M
142 month ago
I stayed in room 21 last night and I was content with my stay. I must say, however, that the rooms aren't newly renovated as their www reads. My room was cosy and had a fantastic view. Nice staff :)
Stine T
149 month ago
Restauranten: pris og kvalitet hænger IKKE sammen. Pariserbøffen var så tør at selv ikke 4 æggeblommer kunne have saftiggjort denne. Rammerne ligner kedelig spisestue, bestemt ikke et sted at besøge.
Stine T
149 month ago
Virkelig IKKE pengene værd! Der står værelser nyrenoveret, men det ligner noget fra 80'erne! Til den pris vælg noget i Comwellkæden!Yderst skuffende. Chokolade ved ankomst er sølle reklame stk.pinligt