Hanging Coffins

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Basato su 10 recensioni


Summer Praise V
93 month ago
Some of the natives believe that being buried in the grave is dark so they choose to be hang instead. So amazed by the cultures and traditions of Sagada. Will come back here for more.
Jack K
102 month ago
Short trail from the city. Tour guides can help explain the reasoning and significance behind the coffins.
Van G
107 month ago
The place is really creepy and eerie but very nice. This 300+ year old burial site is a must visit when in Sagada.
Rona May E
109 month ago
It was so good hearing the story.behind
Me-ann A
116 month ago
scary routes, very steep and slippery steps(rocks). be sure to wear comfy clothes to maneuver easily. be very careful here. best to wear rubber shoes.
Jimmy J
121 month ago
For some minutes, our group stood in front of the hanging coffins contemplating –(definitely not about opening the coffins) if we will proceed our hike...
Jimmy J
121 month ago
...and the hanging coffins in different colors in front of us hanging on the rock mountain. Do not touch those or you’ll turn into zombies, not now, but at the strike of midnight...
Via M
122 month ago
Physically challenging trek down to here from Echo Valley. Best to trek on a sunny day to avoid those über steep and slippery slopes!
Marizel S
124 month ago
Make sure you are in top physical shape as it is quite a trek going up and down. Bring drinking water. Take nothing but pics.
Marvz B
130 month ago
Make sure your trekking on a sunny day. Else, the footpaths are gonna get real slippery when wet.
  • 2619 Sagada, Mountain Province, Filippine, GPS: 17.081244,120.90429